Ninth Generation

7039. Theodore Martin Skillman was born on 5 March 1904 at Beaver Creek in Livingston, Park, MT. He was born on 5 March 1904 in Boulder, Jefferson, MT. He died on 21 January 1979 at the age of 74 in Park Co., MT. Theodore had Social Security Number 517-20-4264. He was buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Livingston, Park, MT.

Theodore Martin Skillman and Ethel A. Collie were married on 30 November 1951. Ethel A. Collie was born on 1 April 1911. She died on 25 May 1992 at the age of 81. She had Social Security Number 516-60-1738. Ethel was buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Livingston, Park, MT.