Eighth Generation

3636. Pearl Skillman was born on 20 June 1892 in Marion Co., IL. She appeared in the census in 1920 in Broadway Pct., Yakima, WA. In the 1920 Census Pearl was living with the Heyducks with her child Cordelia Harrington, 3 7/12. She died on 5 February 1930 at the age of 37. Pearl was buried at Tahoma Nat'l Cem., Sec. C, Block 129, Quarter W, Lot 06 W in Kent, King, WA.

Unknown Harrington (private).

Pearl Skillman-1617 and Unknown Harrington-85875 had the following children:



Cordelia Harrington (private).

Pearl Skillman and Ernest Ballman were married. Ernest Ballman was born on 30 May 1889 in Sweden. He died on 9 January 1962 at the age of 72. He was buried at Tahoma Nat'l Cem., Sec. C, Block 70, Quarter SE/Lot 4 in Kent, King, WA.

Pearl Skillman-1617 and Ernest Ballman-85877 had the following children:



Unknown Ballman died on 8 September 1926. He/she was buried at Tahoma Nat'l Cem., Sec. C, Block 129, Quarter W, Lot 06 W in Kent, King, WA.