Ninth Generation

5180. Blanche Josephine Skillman was born on 10 January 1908 in Detroit, Wayne, MI. She appeared in the census in 1920 at 1414 Ashley St. in Saginaw, Saginaw, MI. From 1923 to 1941 she was a worker at Michigan Bell Tel. Co. in Michigan. Blanche died on 7 April 1996 at the age of 88 at home in Saginaw, Saginaw, MI. Obit from Saginaw News 8 Apr 1996. She lived in Saginaw, Saginaw, MI in April 1996. She was buried. Blanche had Social Security Number 386-09-2105 (MI).

Blanche Josephine Skillman and Eber A. Arnold were married on 23 August 1941. Eber A. Arnold was born on 13 April 1905 in Marine City, MI. He lived in Saginaw, Saginaw, MI in April 1975. He died on 23 April 1975 at the age of 70 at Saginaw Osteopathic Hospital in Saginaw, Saginaw, MI. Obit from Saginaw News 23 Apr 1975. Eber was buried. He had Social Security Number 369-10-2219 (MI). He was an engineer in Saginaw, Saginaw, MI. Eber was educated at Univ. of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.

Blanche Josephine Skillman-27653 and Eber A. Arnold-27656 had the following children:



Gertrude Arnold (private).